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How do we conduct the test?


 We will take samples from each room in the house and as long as no sample exceeds 1.5µg/100cm2 we will advise that the property is safe for habitation.


You will receive a phone call / email discussing the test and a written report with 24 hours of the testing .


In addition we can provide extremely accurate testing measured in nanograms/m2 where a more precise reading is required or where a retest is needed following positive findings.



What would you expect to pay for a Test for Methamphetamine?


A simple screening assessment is possible what most people are looking for in the first place.  This involves taking samples for various points around the property and analysing the results. This will give an immediate yes/no answer and some reassurance that your property is not contaminated. If people have been using meth rather than manufacturing meth, traces will still linger and whilst not necessarily harmful may well affect you ability to on-sell the property or to ensure complete wellness of your tenants.


Our testers are scientists in various fields including bio-sciences, but all recognise the need for accurate testing that will give empirical (accurate) results that will be suitable for insurance companies or your bankers if seeking a mortgage.  As a landlord, it may well be advisable to test between tenants to ensure that (a) previous tenants have not contaminated your property and (b) to  give confidence to incoming tenants.  Also, be very aware that meth use and manufacture is NOT confined to low-rent dilapidated properties. We have found meth traces in rental properties at the very top end of the market.


Full testing on properties up to four bedrooms

A minimum of two samples taken from every room in the property including stairwells, passageways, garage and any
closed area such as garden sheds - $225.00 plus GST


Additional bedrooms over four - $45.00 plus GST


Field Composite Test

Ideal for new properties. This involves all samples combined into a single test. As methamphetamine is very pervasive a negative
FCT is a strong indication not traces are in the property - $175.00


Retesting following contamination and cleaning. Up to four bedrooms. This involves a minimum of four tests in any room combined
into single unique test for that room - $420.00

Extra bedrooms over four: retesting after cleaning - $52.00


No travel charge with Christchurch boundaries. Travel outside City boundary to rural destinations $0.69 per Km


Quorum Health and Scientific 
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